First fews days being pregnant
First fews days being pregnant

first fews days being pregnant

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first fews days being pregnant

Changes in olfactory perception: The sense of smell becomes more sensitive, and some smells which had previously gone unnoticed will now be perceived.The woman´s body is preparing for the gestation. Fatigue: It is normal to experience some minor discomfort during the first days of pregnancy due to a rise in the basal body temperature and the heart rate, lower blood pressure and an increased sense of being sleepy.This light bleeding is due to the implantation of the embryo in the uterine walls. Spotting: sometimes a light pinkish or brownish bleeding may appear between 7 and 10 days after fertilization.The cervical mucus will form the mucus plug, whose function is to protect the pregnant woman's uterus from the entry of harmful microorganisms. This vaginal discharge is white, slightly thick and odorless. Increase in vaginal discharge (leukorrhea): This is due to an increase in estrogen.

first fews days being pregnant

The areolas may darken and small rashes can appear around them (Montgomery glands).

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  • First fews days being pregnant